On the Beautiful Scenic Foothill Blvd. of Oakland Ca

Brochure from the OMCA – c:1916 Gift of Fred E. Reed H4599.44

Panorama from Beverly Terrace

Previously sold on eBay
Beverly Terrace went on sale in 1916. Located at Foothill Blvd and 99th on the border of the Dunsmuir House and Gardens. M.T Minney Company was the exclusive agent and developer. Later, C.W. Boden Company handled sales.
The first lots were being sold at the same time the new Chevrolet Assembly Plant was being built at Foothill Blvd and 73rd (now Eastmont Mall)
They advertised the area as a “The Automobile City Center” two blocks along Foothill Blvd being reserved for business purposes. – Oakland Tribune Mar 26, 1916
Foothill Blvd and Hollywood Blvd (now MacArthur Blvd)

Previously sold on eBay

Previously sold on eBay

Come out today and view San Francisco form beautiful Beverly Terrace. Unexcelled Climate. No Wind or Fog. $1.00 down payment and $1.00 a week. – Oakland Tribune Aug 1920.

More on Beverly Terrace
- Beverly Terrace Motel Match Book Cover – Frank Kelsey
Next the homes of Beverly Terrace and Hollywood –
Thank you for all this very interesting information.