Postcards have been an essential tool in advertising the city of Oakland for a long time. I have collected postcards from Oakland for years. I recently found a small advertisement published in the Oakland Tribune reminding people that “Postcard Day” was coming up, which piqued my interest.

I tried to find the exact postcards, but I didn’t have much luck, except for one or two. I have shared what I think might be them. If I get lucky and find them, I will update this.
Here is what I found.
In 1905, W.J. Laymance of the Laymance Real Estate Company suggested a unique way of advertising Oakland in which every citizen, even the humblest, could participate. They could send illuminated postal cards of this city to friends in other sections of the county, thus calling attention to its beauty and resources.

Some of the cards’ subjects were the Oakland Waterfront, Residence District, Lake Merritt, Court House, Club House, Piedmont Springs, Among the Flowers, Piedmont Park, East from Fourteenth and Franklin Streets, North from San Pablo and Fourteenth Streets, University of California, Injured Football Player, and the Greek Theater.

There were about 20 illuminated postal cards illustrating the beauties of the city. They sold the cards at two for five cents and ten for twenty-five cents. The postal cards were sold at drug and stationery stores. They hoped 10,000 people in Oakland would participate.
Oakland’s PostCard Day 1910

February 12, 1910, was designated “Oakland’s Post Card Day.”
The Oakland Chamber of Commerce undertook an extensive publicity campaign. Every man and woman in Oakland and most of the children were expected to send one or more cards advertising the city.

The card was a double booster card with a decorative scheme of dark green and orange on both cards, but the views of Oakland will be different.

The recipient was to retain the first half of the double card. The second half, which was detachable, was to be sent to the Chamber of Commerce requesting a brochure.

Picturesque residences on the shore of Lake Merritt, seen through the overhanging branches of beautiful old oak, the orange in the glowing sunset was a striking contrast to the tree’s deep green.

Postcard Day 1912

Views of Oakland and other cities furnished by Southern Pacific.

On line of Southern Pacific

On line of Southern Pacific
Postcard Day 1913
Southern Pacific plans to help advertise Oakland with postcards to be mailed by the citizens of Oakland.

My City – Oakland

More Info:
- Novel Postcard Scheme – S.F. Call Jan 19, 1910
- One Million Postcards – Oakland Tribune Feb 04, 1910
- Two Designs – Oakland Tribune Feb 06, 1910
- Boost Oakland with Post Cards – S.F. Ca l February 13, 1910
- Orders For Post Cards Are Heavy – S.F. Ca l February 04, 1910
- Boost for Oakland – Oakland Tribune February 11, 1910
- Tomorrow is Post-Card Day! – Oakland Tribune February 11, 1910
Boost Oakland –
Nice work!