Oakland Unfolded

Category Model/Display Homes

Pine-Covered Hills

Studio Homes by Phil Heraty Phil Heraty (1896-1969) was a Bay Area Builder and Developer responsible for homes in Concord, Walnut Creek, San Leandro, and Oakland. I covered Melrose Highlands in Oakland here. In 1940, Heraty opened new offices at… Continue Reading →

Blandings’ Oakland Dream House

In 1948, as part of the promotion for the movie Mr. Blandings’ Builds a Dream House starring Cary Grant and Myrna Loy, the studio built “dream houses” in cities across the United States. Oakland was chosen as one of the locations.

Piedmont Pines Display Homes

A bit more history of some of the homes built in the 1930s in the Piedmont Pines neighborhood of Oakland.

Court of All Nations

The Court of All Nations is located on Hillen Street (formally Trumbull Street) near Mills College, with a view of the bay and the nearby hills. The group of fifty homes was built in 1925, with the first four starting in January of that year.

In Le Mon Park – Piedmont Pines

“See the world from Piedmont Pines.” -with an elevation ranging from 1300-1400 feet Le Mon Park commands a view of which its residents can never be deprived

High Street Park Homes

Homes of Distinction in High Street Park – Beautiful 5-room houses of Spanish design. Built by J.B. Peppin on Culver Street.

Fairway Estates in Oak Knoll

When this area was first built up in the mid-1920s it was part of Oak Knoll. Now it is considered to part of Sequoyah “Fairway Estates is in the heart of the country club district and consists of a group… Continue Reading →

Claremont Pines Model Home

In July 1928, a palatial residence was to be built in the new subdivision Claremont Pines. The home was known as the Tribune-Schlesinger Home.

Melrose Highlands- Part 2

Melrose Highland is the area off of Keller Avenue to the King Estates Open Space and over to Field Street and up to Crest Avenue – The area is now called Eastmont Hills.

The Highest Home in Oakland – 1928

“1928 Model View Home “ The 1928 Model View Home – Oakland Tribune 1928 The 1928 Model View Home is situated at the “Top of the World” in reality the topmost peak in Montclair Highlands, overlooking several counties as well… Continue Reading →

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