Royal E. Towns – Engine Company No. 22

 Royal Edward Towns (February 10, 1899–July 23, 1990) was one of the first Black firefighters in Oakland. He was born in Oakland.

Royal E. Towns

He joined the OFD in 1927 and was assigned to Engine Company No. 22, a segregated firehouse in West Oakland. The station is located at 3320 Magnolia Street. He helped train many other black applicants to pass the test and was a scoutmaster for a Boy Scout troop that included Sam Golden, who became the first African American fire chief in Oakland.

The exterior of Engine No 22 firehouse

Royal Towns was the 11th black Oakland fireman hired in 1927. They didn’t employ the 12th for another 15 years.

Royal E. Towns and his colleagues with Engine Company No. 22 of the racially segregated Oakland Fire Department. (1943)

In 1971, there were only 35 black firefighters.

Towns became the first to be promoted in the OFD. He became a chief operator in 1941 and retired as a lieutenant in 1962.

Royal Towns on the left with Oakland firefighters standing in front of fire engine no. 22 – Circa 1943

Royal Towns was instrumental in helping desegregate the fire department. He helped train many other black applicants to pass the fire department test.

Personal Life

Royal Towns was born in Oakland on February 10, 1899, to William and Elizabeth Towns.

Towns married Lucille Dennis on May 26, 1920. They had three children and lived in various locations within Oakland.

Royal E. Towns died July 23, 1990, and is buried in Mountain View Cemetery.

More Photos

The photos are courtesy of the Royal E. Towns papers, MS 26, African American Museum and Library at Oakland, Oakland Public Library. Oakland, California. Photos at Calisphere

3320 Magnolia Street Oakland – Then and Now
It is no longer a Fire Station
Rolling Hoses in front of Engine No. 22
Two firefighters attaching hoses to a fire hydrant, firefighters practicing with fire hoses in the park in the background – on Peralta Street
Today Google Maps
Firefighters holding a fire hose in the street next to
Gleason and Company building
and today
Firefighters are holding a fire hose in the street next to Gleason and Company building.
Circa 1950s – 34th and Magnolia
Firefighters are holding a fire hose in the street next to Gleason and Company building.
Circa 1950s – 34th and Magnolia
and today
Looking down Magnolia towards 34th St

More on Royal E. Towns

The End