I’ve always been curious about the meaning behind a street name. Some are obvious, like Broadway or Main Street. I’ve lived on Capricorn Ave (zodiac), Thornhill Dr. (Hiram Thorn), Georgia St. (the state), Athol Ave (still haven’t figured that one out), and Lynde St.
Lynde Street was declared a public road in 1886.

Lynde Street is in the Fruitvale District.
George L. Lynde owned the land in 1878

Published by Thompson & West, Oakland, Cala., 1878
Lynde Street was named for George L Lynde, a landowner. I don’t know precisely when he purchased the land in the Fruitvale District. I found him living there in 1866.

George Lee Lynde was born in about 1838 in the state of Vermont. By 1860 he was living in California with his parents and siblings. In 1861 he married Cassandra Jane Hewitt in San Francisco. They had four children.

- George W. Lynde 1862-1941
- Matthew A. Lynde 1868-
- Martha V. Lynde 1868-
- Frank H. Lynde 1876-1939
The 1877 Oakland City Directory has Lynde living in Fruitvale near East 27th, right by Lynde Street.

Cassandra and George were divorced in 1880, and she moved to Arizona. By 1899 George was living in San Francisco and was remarried. He died in 1915.

Lynde and Howard – Tin Shop

George co-owned a Tin Shop (plumbing, hardware, and gas fixtures) located at 683 East 12th Street.
The shop suffered a significant fire in 1878.
Misc Articles
A playmate accidentally shot Lynde’s son while they were playing “robbers” out by the barn. Not sure if the name of his son is correct.